peaker: Dr. Nicolas DIETRICH, Associate Professor at INSA Toulouse, France
Time: Tuesday 16th of October, 10:30 am to 11:30 am
Location: 2nd meeting room (South second floor), School of Aerospace, Xi'an Jiaotong University
Title: Visualization of gas-liquid mass transfer around bubbles
Mass transfer in gas/liquid systems is of prime interest for several areas (medicine, chemical engineering, environmental purpose, waste water treatment, etc.). Some techniques enable a direct visualization of this complex phenomenon and thus represent a powerful tool for understanding the different mechanisms governing the mass transfer. The purpose of this presentation is to focus on the combination of different techniques to visualize and quantify accurately both hydrodynamics and mass transfer around different gas/liquid interfaces.
Nicolas DIETRICH (38 years old) received his Doctor degree (PhD) in Chemical Engineering in 2008. He is Associate Professor at INSA Toulouse in the Chemical and Environmental Engineering Department since 01/09/2009. His research activities deal with the local and global analysis of hydrodynamic and mass transfer present in gas/liquid contactors. He develops his research activities in TIM (Transfert Interface Mixing) group of LISBP (Laboratoire d’Ingénierie des Systèmes Biologiques et Procédés). He has supervised or supervises 11 PhD, 4 post-doct and 25 MASTER research. He has published 112 publications and communication with 35 articles in international journals of mark A, 3 patents. He teaches at INSA Chemical Engineering, Mass transfer, Units Operation and Fluids Mechanics. He is the head of the Master of Science "Fluids Engineering for Industrial Processes" of University of Toulouse since 01/09/2012 (15 students graduate per year).